The Library Marketing Conference Group is grateful to all our sponsors as their support has allowed us to set up and fund our LMCC scholarship fund. We are pleased to announce we are awarding a total of 10 scholarships for the 10th anniversary of the annual Library Marketing and Communications Conference (LMCC)!

In fairness to the many worthy library professionals who wish to attend LMCC, we utilize a scoring rubric to help us sort and decide among the incredible applicants each year.

The committee has decided in recent years that those who have never attended LMCC receive higher scores in one part of our rubric.

We encourage you to be thoughtful and detailed in your responses to the application, with particular attention to 1) what you hope to learn at LMCC24 and 2) how you will apply what you learned when back in your library setting.

All scholarship winners are required to submit a short biography and headshot before the event as well as a recap/testimonial of their experience afterwards (preference is a video testimonial - see examples here).

The DEADLINE TO APPLY for a scholarship is Friday, August 2nd, 2024. Scholarship recipients will be notified by September 6th, 2024.

Scholarship applicants are encouraged to register for the conference to hold their spot, but LMCG asks that they not pay for their registration until after the September 6th notification deadline.


Rylee Broach- Park City Library, Park City UT

Rebecca Chavez- Central Wyoming College, Riverton WY

Rebeka Hire-Santoro- Huron Public Library, Huron OH

Michelle Malone- University of Arkansas, Little Rock AR

Claudia Palka- Grayslake Area Public Library, Grayslake IL

Kelsey Richards- Lincoln County Library System, Kremmerer WY

Jessica Swaringen- Georgia Southern University, Statesboro GA

Tessa Wallace- Davenport Public Library, Davenport IA

Trent Warner- Mount Royal University Library, Calgary Alberta Canada

Annie Zwisler- Portage County District Library, Garrettsville, OH

Library Marketing Conference Group
13610 Barrett Office Dr., Suite 108
Ballwin, MO 63021

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